Sunday, January 20, 2008

Okay seriously

Who decided Orkin pest control people were supposed to be nice people? Its not in their job description to be 'people' persons at all otherwise they would not be getting paid to kill bugs. There has to be that one Orkin man who probably eats bugs that gets bothered by a kid asking TOO many questions about bugs that the guy doesn't really know to begin with... "Why are bugs ICKY?" "Do ants get TV channels with the antennas on their heads?" " Why do bugs have legs and wings sometimes?" And thats when he sprays the kid with the pesticide sprayer. But we totally need these guys. For example, one word: Arachnophobia. Thank the good heaven above for delivering John Goodman. I feel safe when I watch him on THE TV. Of course, when there is no exterminator, you get the 1977 classic known as: Ants-the picnic is ruined. This is when the coast guard gets involved then the fire department and wallpaper breathing tubes allow humans to barely survive encounters. Because ants have poison. Yes they are carrying some sort of poison. Don't ask me how.... ANTS! So really its not required that Orkin people are nice and I don't think they are either. Just another smoke and mirror trick from those fat cats in Washington. Cloverfield.


Johnny Starr said...

Oh yes Ants!
A classic film that makes you think twice about where you step because you never know what might come after you, or your most recent aquisition, such as a hotel on the beach. What the world needs is an empty kerosene can at all times to ward off any foe! Of course in order for this method to be effective it would have to be followed by an extreemly detached yet tranquil prounouncement of the name of your enemy, such as: ANTS!... or ... JACOB! This is a sure fire plan, it lets them know just WHO they are dealing with. I say thats what they needed in Cloverfield anyway. A kerosene can!!!

... Monster! ...

Jemimah Puddleduck said...

Maybe they want you to think they're extra friendly and helpful
because they've been trained to kill more than just bugs-if you know what I'm sayin'.
Orkin men are trained assasins.
I'm 47% sure about this.